diesel common rail nozzle H364 diesel common rail nozzle H365

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R$ 99,00

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ID: #1885961

Usuário: #272045

Finaliza: 06/01/2025 em 44 dia(s)

Localização: Mato Grosso do Sul - Outras - Outros

diesel common rail nozzle H364 diesel common rail nozzle H365


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radar (at) china-lutong(dot)net

Common Rail is now the most common fuel system in diesel vehicles. Diesel engine performance and emissions are closely related to fuel atomization and spray processes, which in turn are strongly influenced by nozzle geometry.

Injection nozzles for diesel engines inject the fuel into the combustion chamber, atomize it and seal the combustion chamber by means of the nozzle needle. In the Common Rail System, the injection nozzle is part of the injector.

The injection nozzle consists of the nozzle body the cone of which protrudes into the combustion chamber. The injection orifices through which the fuel is injected are bored in the nozzle cone. The number, configuration, length and diameter of these injection orifices allow the shape of the injection spray to be formed in a way that is ideally matched to the engine cylinder.